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Making a Donation to Emmaus Village Carlton

It is the aim of all Emmaus communities to become financially self-sufficient through the hard work of companions, staff and volunteers. After just a few years' operation Emmaus Carlton is close to covering its everyday running costs, but does rely on the generosity of its supporters to subsidise the balance. Emmaus Carlton also relies on support from the public and from grant-making bodies and trusts to fund the significant capital projects ongoing on site.

Donating Money

If you would like to make a donation to support the work of Emmaus at Carlton, please send a cheque made out to "Emmaus Village Carlton" to:
The Fundraising Administrator
Emmaus Village Carlton


Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer you can add 28p to every pound you donate simply by completing the gift aid form which can be printed off from this website. The extra 28p is reclaimed by us from the Inland Revenue on your behalf - it does not cost you anything extra. Click here for a Gift Aid form.

Regular Giving

If you would like to make a regular donation to Emmaus, standing order forms are available from the fundraising team at the address above.

Payroll Giving/ Charity Account Cheques (eg Charities Aid Foundation)

As a registered charity (Number 1083113) Emmaus Carlton is eligible to receive cheques and direct payments from charity accounts/payroll giving schemes which are gross of tax. If you would like to make a donation in this way, please send the completed cheque to the address above or contact your payroll giving scheme to organise a direct transfer.

Gifts of Shares/ Land and Buildings

You can get tax relief when you donate quoted shares or securities or land and buildings to charity. For example, if you donate shares worth £1000 you could reduce your income tax bill by £400. No capital gains will be due on the gift.

Nominate Emmaus Carlton (also known as Emmaus Turvey Ltd) to receive any repayment due in your self assessment tax return.

This is a new scheme run by the Inland Revenue where you can ask them to pay any overpaid tax direct to a charity of your choice. The code for Emmaus Carlton is UAH30PG. This can be entered into your self assessment form.

Emmaus Village Carlton
(A community of Emmaus Turvey Limited - Registered Charity )
Registered Office:
Vat Reg

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